
Guardian segir að sendinefndin sé lent og flytur fréttir af öllum ráðamönnum Bretlands í fréttavakt sinni  Bank Crisis live

Þeir vita samt greinilega ekki mikið um veikindi Ingibjargar Sólrúnar því þeir segja.

Both Iceland's president and its foreign minister are currently recovering from heart surgery, according to the Iceland review.

Gordon Brown  er óspar á yfirlýsingar um Ísland: 

"I'm trying to persuade other countries to do exactly what we've done" Gordon Brown said in an interview in Swindon.

"Times will be tough for some time, but I believe we will see our country through this," he adds.

On savings in Iceland he says: "Iceland has got to take responsibility for this situation. We are doing everything in our power for the money to be returned."



A Downing Street spokesman has defended the government's tough talking on Iceland. "They had indicated that they would be giving preferential treatment to domestic creditors over overseas creditors," he said.

A Treasury delegation, including officials from the Bank of England and the Financial Services Authority, has arrived in Reykjavik.

Þeir spyrja líka hvar þeirra þjóðhöfðingjar séu á stund neyðarinnar í Bretlandi (markaðir eru að kolfalla þar)

Where are our leaders at this difficult time? Gordon Brown has gone to steam museum in Swindon
to talk about energy prices. Alistair Darling is on his way to Washington to call for more global measures to tackle the crisis.

Breskur bloggari spáir því að þessi kreppa muni jafna út auðlegðina. Það er nú skynsamlegt. Hún hefur þegar gert það á Íslandi nema náttúrulega einhverjum af þessum 20-30 hafi tekist að koma sínum spilapeningurm undan. 

"Once we hit bottom of this downturn, some years hence in all probability, we may experience a democratisation of wealth and opportunity like none seen since the end of World War II," blogs London Banker. 

Jim Rogers, the US investment guru, has just appeared on Bloomberg and taken a pop at the politicians and officials that he blames for causing the crisis (according to my colleague Graeme Wearden).

"Markets are collapsing because they have no confidence in the various government plans," said Rogers, who named and shamed Ben Bernanke of the Federal Reserve and Treasury secretary Henry Paulson.

"These are the same guys who don't know what they're doing, who haven't got a clue and have been wrong wrong wrong. That's why the markets are collapsing."

Hmmm... það er eins og ég kannist við ástandið, voru það ekki Geir Haarde og co sem bjuggu til og stýrðu þessu kerfi sem núna er að hrynja? Geta sömu menn gert við kerfið og greint vandamálið?

ECS, an American working and blogging in Iceland is staying put for now: "I'm going to weather the storm for now, but if Iceland has now become so poisonous that nobody will trade or do business with it, I may have to update that plan. Hopefully should it come to that, I'll still have enough money to escape."

Ha? Er Ísland orðið eitrað? 


"Imagine our surprise to learn that Gordon Brown had invoked fricking terrorist legislation in order to freeze Kaupthing's assets," writes Icelandic blogger Alda on her Iceland Weather Report.

"The whole thing seems totally and utterly out of proportion and the British Prime Minister completely out of line," she adds.

Alda says that Icelanders are demanding to see a transcript of a conversation between Alistair Darling and the Iceland finance minister about compensation for savers. Sendinefnd Breta væntanleg
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