31.3.2020 | 10:48
"I Can Cause Panic Much Better Than You"
Fyrirsögnin á ţessu bloggi "I Can Cause Panic Much Better Than You" eru einkennandi fyrir ţađ stjórnarfar sem núna ríkir í Hvíta húsinu. Ţessi orđ lét Bandaríkjaforseti falla í gćr ţegar hann var ađ svara blađamanni. Ţađ er sárgrćtilegt ađ sjá hve mikiđ ţetta mikla menningarriki og tćkniveldi USA skortir núna forustu sem er fćr um ađ undirbúa og samhćfa viđbrögđ viđ Covid-19 faraldrinum. Forsetinn ber sér á brjóst og hćlir sjálfum sér en virđist ekki átta sig á stöđunni og meira segja hćlir sér af ţví ađ hann vćri nú fćr um ađ valda meiri panikk en blađamađurinn.
Eins og hann geri ţađ ekki ţegar.
Í ţessu myndbandi má heyra forsetann hćla sér af hćfni sinni til ađ valda panik:
Á ţessum sama blađamannafundi og fleirum undanfarna daga hefur forsetanum tekist ađ koma til skila ađ hann tali ekki viđ fylkisstjóra í ríkjum sem honum eru ekki ţóknanleg (lesist ríkjum sem eru undir stjórn Demókrata), hann hefur sáđ samsćriskenningum um ađ spítalar séu ađ hamstra ađföng eins og hlífđarbúnađ í einhverjum annarlegum tilgangi og hann beinlínis fer međ rangar tölur, ef til vill gerir hann ţađ vísvitandi. Hann virđist rugla saman spá yfir hve margir muni smitast og hve margir muni deyja. Ef til vill gerir hann ţađ vísvitandi til ađ fólk haldi núna ađ ţađ sé líklegt ađ 2 milljónir muni deyja en verđi svo rosalega ţakklátt ef ađeins 100 ţúsund muni deyja.
Hér er fréttapistill á RÚV ţar sem fariđ er yfir hluta af ruglinu í Trump
Trum snarsnýst í kórónufaraldri
Ţessi orđrćđa forseta Bandaríkjanna er ekki bjögun og skrumskćling fjölmiđla. Ég hvet fólk til ađ skođa "briefings" frá blađamannafundum sem eru á vefnum whitehouse.gov
Hér er hluti af orđrćđunni í gćr:
THE PRESIDENT: When Tony and Deborah came up with numbers yesterday to say that, if we did nothing, you could lose 2.2 up to two point and maybe beyond, I dont know. Maybe beyond. But 2.2 million people if we did nothing. And I cant tell you what the unfortunate final toll is going to be, but its going to be a very small fraction of that. So were doing an awfully good job, I think, with what were doing.
Q Sir, what do you say to Americans who are upset with you over the way you
THE PRESIDENT: Here we go.
Q downplayed this crisis over the last couple of months? We have it very much under control in this country. The coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. Its going to disappear. Its like a miracle. It will disappear.
March 4th: We have a very small number of people in this country infected.
March 10th: Were prepared. Were doing a great job with it. It will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.
THE PRESIDENT: Well, isnt it true? It will go away.
Q What do you say to Americans who believe that you got this wrong?
THE PRESIDENT: And I do want them to stay calm. And we are doing a great job. If you look at those individual statements, theyre all true. Stay calm. It will go away. You know it you know it is going away, and it will go away. And were going to have a great victory.
And its people like you and CNN that say things like that. That its why people just dont want to listen to CNN anymore. You could ask a normal question. The statements I made are: I want to keep the country calm. I dont want to panic in the country. I could cause panic much better than even you. I could do much I would make you look like a minor league player. But you know what? I dont want to do that.
I want to have our country be calm and strong, and fight and win, and it will go away. And it is incredible the job that all of these people are doing putting them all together the job that theyre doing.
I am very proud of the job theyre doing, that Mike Pence is doing, that the task force has done, that Honeywell and Procter & Gamble and Mike, and all of these people have done. Im very proud. Its its almost a miracle, and it is the way its all come together.
And instead of asking a nasty, snarky question like that, you should ask a real question. And other than that, Im going to go to somebody else.
Flokkur: Stjórnmál og samfélag | Breytt s.d. kl. 11:15 | Facebook
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